
Zoom Tips for Online Music Instruction

We are all working and learning in different environments these days. We started using zoom for music lessons and classes in March, and wanted to share some of our tips for successful online music instruction. As a reminder, the entirety of the Fall semester will be conducted on Zoom due to Covid-related concerns. For further details and more tips, check out Mr. Jordan’s instructional video!

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Shure-ly They're Inspired! Shure Microphone Rep Visit

From left: Jeff Lusk (W.O. Smith volunteer), Ryan Smith, and J'uan

From left: Jeff Lusk (W.O. Smith volunteer), Ryan Smith, and J'uan

On Tuesday, February 21, Ryan Smith, Regional Manager of Artist Relations for Shure, stopped by to talk with our Audio Production Class. He spoke about everything from how he started his career with Shure and where it has taken him so far to how wireless microphones work and what is coming next! We were very grateful to have him here inspiring our class to dig deeper. Thank you to Ryan and to Shure for your continued support!